
Wednesday 26 September 2012

Cottage by the sea

Cottage by the sea

I have been laid up with an ankle injury for a while and this has meant enforced inactivity, not something which I relish, but it has meant that I have finally finished this canvas which was started some time ago


It began as a textured background and I lay down paper and washes, changing the tone as I went. Initially there was a bird of prey drawn out, but I felt that detracted from the small cottage so left it out. I wanted a patchwork of colour in the foreground so used pebeo liner to outline the torn paper around the trees.

 Below is a close up of one of the finished trees showing the paper layers. I'm not sure if the circles are falling leaves or rain...I think they are a combination of both.

Being incapacitated for a few days has also meant discovering the sketchbook challenge which I have added to the side of my blog. I often find as the nights grow darker harder to find inspiration for my sketchbook and thought this an excellent idea to keep me motivated. Each month there is a new challenge to fill your sketchbook, this months being pattern, so now I have lots of ideas to fill those pages.


  1. A beautiful atmospheric painting, and I love the dancing rainbow of circles that keep the eye moving around the picture.

  2. Lovely Morag, the colours are beautiful, and I agree with Jez's observations, the circles keep you moving around the picture x


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