
Friday 8 August 2014

An eagle has landed

Trying something new with my air drying clay.

I have made an eagle and am going to try and fix it to this large wooden panel.
Not quite sure how well it will work as it is much bigger than my small mermaid pieces, I will keep you updated on it's progress.

This is a bird of prey I spotted.. high in the sky, drifting on the thermals.


  1. It's looking very interesting, Morag. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

  2. oh to soar in the clouds its looking good

  3. Your eagle is looking fabulous, you have captured that gliding feel, so very majestic!

  4. Wonderful idea I wish you the best and look forward to seeing what you do with this beauty.

    Hugs Eliza

  5. Interesting idea. Are you going to put the landscape and the sky from the photo with the eagle? Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  6. I'm so behind with blogging! Your eagle is going to make an amazing piece, I look forward to seeing how it progresses. I shall now enjoy catching up on your other posts! :)
    Jess x


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