
Monday 18 May 2015

The Buttercup Hare

The 'Buttercup Hare' is my newest collage painting, made as a special request for Liza at Skyeworks Gallery where most of my recent pieces are heading. Liza the gallery owner told me my previous Hares and wild Buttercup pieces had been very well received and could I make some more.

Previous pieces,'Counting Buttercups and Moonlight and hares'

I thought it would be fun to combine the two... a Buttercup Hare!

He started out like this, collaged onto a MDF panel. You can see I blocked in his shape with black gesso. I use a lot of black gesso, I prefer it to white. It makes the colours I use on top more vibrant and the metallic foils seem much brighter.

Laying down lots of layers of paper, paint and ink.

I used crackle glaze for Mr Buttercup...
It means some of the collaged book-papers peep through.

The Buttercups are torn mulberry paper, I rarely cut paper preferring the random shapes tearing

The Buttercup Hare
Linking up to paint party Friday


  1. excellent!!!! very nice!!!!!!!!!

  2. What a sweet hare sitting amongst the buttercups! Love the crackle glaze, looks really great. :) x

  3. He looks lovely, I am a big hare fan :) The process you use for constructing your work is fascinating :)

    I hope you enjoy your watercolour weekend! That sounds like it will be great. There's something quite special about an old well used watercolour box isn't there, I had a mini box of Cotman paints which were my first proper paints back when I was about eight, sadly I ended up getting rid of them a while back as I didn't think I'd us them, I wish I'd kept them now!

  4. I really like your textures and subject! AWESOME!

  5. I just love your Buttercup Hare piece. So much gorgeous texture and colour, and the crackle glaze works so well on Mr. Hare.

  6. This is amazing. What you say about black gesso is very interesting. I have never tried it. I am also interested in what those sprays are in your pic.

    1. thanks fuzzie! they are Decoart misters and they are fabulous!!! :)

  7. Morag, as always it glows from your art. Lovely hare and background. It's so facinating with all the small bits and pieces you use in your work, have you ever thought of running a class? I would sign up promptly!

    1. Thank you Laila! I am in the process of setting up a series of workshop sessions in the north west of England, once finalised I will pass details on, I haven't as yet got into online classes, it is something which I am considering though if people show enough interest. ;)

  8. I can see whey they are so well received Morag. Your buttercup hare painting is so so charming. I just love the crackles and the colors in the hare! What a beautiful and special piece.

  9. Nice work! I'm a new follower *waves frantically from the other side of the planet* (Tasmania) Agree with you 100% about black gesso - it's the best!

  10. This is a rabbit you'll fall in love with! Such a wonderful artwork, I am very impressed. Also great, that you show the emergence... I am happy, to find your blog!!!! Ulrike

  11. Love him! Thanks for sharing your process too.

  12. This is beautiful, I'm sure it won't be at the gallery for long! I have black gesso but rarely use it, I'll have to remember to use it more - I enjoyed seeing your process as always. I really like the effect of the crackle on Mr. Hare, great texture.

  13. Such a beautiful hare! Your creatures always touch me, they look so natural, wonderful art!

  14. I absolutely LOVE this! The hare is totally gorgeous, especially with that wonderful crackle effect. I'm sure he'll be snapped up super-quick, his name alone would make anyone want to buy him before they'd even seen him!

  15. A Buttercup Hair, how delightful.

  16. Gorgeous! I really enjoyed seeing your process. Your colors are wonderful.

  17. Its wonderful. What do you use for the metallic foils. I'm a metallic iridescent nut!

  18. Gorgeous! I love the colours in this piece as well - lovely warm earthy shades and the crackle glaze gives a lovely effect.

  19. this is really gorgeous!! I can only imagine the shine in person. No surprise your work is popular!

  20. These are wonderful. I wondered if you crackled or it was just the layers of collaged paper. Congrats on your "harey" success!

  21. Your work is truly unique and a joy to look at! Love this :0)

  22. Love that crackle glaze look. Awesome work

  23. The Buttercup Hare is ... just ... gorgeous!

  24. Love your buttercup hare:)

  25. What a trip with all the layers and paints. I love the hare. . .adorable. Blessings, Janet PPF

  26. oh yes, I remember these previous pieces. This one is another great painting. I also liked it when the hare was white.

  27. Love your bunny. I love all the texture in your piece. It was great also to see how you created her/him.

  28. I love your hare. Absolutely lovely. We have had parallel thoughts... this week I painted 7 or 8 bunny paintings. In fact, I posted them today.

  29. You are a fantastic artist! I studied every centimeter of this picture to find out how you did it!


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