
Tuesday 7 June 2016

windswept sails

windswept sails. mixed media on canvas
I am very pleased Skyeworks have continued my Pieces of Skye exhibition for an extra week until the 11th of June!
I have received such wonderful comments.
So happy and touched that my artwork connects with so many people, even those who live many miles away. 
One of the recurring questions people ask me is where do I get my Inspiration.
That to me is the easy part!
It's all around!

I take lots of photos, but not to copy, more as a sensory reference. They act to re-jig my memory so I remember the colours, smells and atmosphere of a moment. sketchbooks scrapbooks too act as memory banks for ideas. Summer is a wonderful time to be out with my camera, and that is exactly what I have been doing. The weather has been glorious!

I went on a wee trip to Elgol. at the south end of the Island of Skye. From Elgol you can take boat expeditions to many of the smaller outlying Islands.

Set off on an adventure to the Islands of Canna and Rum and Sanday

The Island of canna has huge populations of seabirds, puffins have little burrows in the cliffs.

Every ledge a resting or nesting point.

Canna has a tiny population of around 10. ( It also has a sweet little tearoom) ;)

It also has a lovely little church.

Time to continue the journey to the island of Rum. On the way we passed an eerie shipwreck, apparently too expensive to salvage.

As well as seals Rum has a large population of red deer in Kilmory bay who seemed to enjoy sunbathing on the beach! So wonderful to see.

Then homeward bound to Skye, A lovely view across the sea to the black Cuillin mountains.

When the weather is kind, there can be fewer more beautiful places to be.


  1. I agree Morag. Scotland is a most beautiful place. I love it. I'm so glad to hear you're exhibition is a success. But not surprised!

  2. Inspiring to see through your eyes! xo

  3. Your piece looks absolutely beautiful. I love the soft colors, woven together with one another. Your trip to Elgol looks incredible! Wonderful photos. :)

  4. Now I want to come and visit Scotland even more than I did before! Gorgeous!!!

    I also wish I could see your art in person! There, I have put the thought out there, it will be only a matter of time until it happens. Isn't that what you are supposed to do? Think positively and throw it out to the universe and it is supposed to happen???

    Your top piece is gorgeous!!!!! I love the colours, the layers, the textures, the compositition..... EVERYTHING!

  5. Oh my gosh, thanks so much for sharing your beautiful pictures - I think you're right about it's beauty, I'd truly love to visit someday. So excited your exhibition is such a success - not that I had any doubts!

  6. I'm struck by all the beauty here! Your art work is glorious, it shines and my eyes dance all over those colours and textures, like lots of beautiful pebbles and treasures to seek, then that peaceful sailing boat drifting by and that fresh open sky, you definitely capture the feelings in your paintings that's what I love so much!
    As for your special trip and these photos you share, I say like you that there are few more beautiful places to be, that looks like an amazing place, so preserved, what a magical day you must have had!

  7. Your artwork is really breathtaking! And I would have asked the same question as all the others about where you get your inspiration from. It's so interesting to learn how you collect your ideas and impressions. Many thanks for sharing this wonderful landscape and the pictures and your thoughts! The one with the stranded ship looks very dramatic!

  8. Gorgeous Art. It is a wondeful place you visit. Thanks for sharing the photos.
    Happy PPF♥

  9. Lovely, lovely, lovely. Both art and photos. Made me yearn to visit these places. May be I will. Thanks for visiting my blog and for the lovely comment.

  10. How wonderful that your exhibit was extended! Your work is gorgeous and a pleasure for us online as well as those who see it in person.

  11. This was a stunning piece. I loved seeing all the photos and how they work their way into your work. The islands are just beautiful, the water so mesmerizing. It made me want to be there too.


  12. I'd like to sit on your colorful rocky beach for real. Although when we walk at the river, the rocks in the sand have so many colorful parts, it's no wonder you created this fabulous canvas of them with your collage. xox

  13. I can see how the land and sea inspire your gorgeous art! My friend just returned from 14 days in Scotland and although she didn't get to Skye, she described the Orkneys and Lewis among other places as being enchanting (and she wasn't even thrilled about going in the first place)! I hope soon to be be able to see her photos:)

  14. Brilliant news that your exhibition will be extended Morag... congratulations.
    Thank you for taking me on a trip to all those wonderful islands. I've yet actually done a trip like that yet, but I intend to.
    I've also sketched Puffin's today.
    Happy PPF to you

  15. Great to see Skye again in your photographs, it is such a magical place. I see you had good weather, when we went to Elgol everywhere was covered in mist so we'll have to visit again one day.
    Red deer on the beach - fantastic, and yes, the shipwreck does look a bit strange being left there.
    Your artwork at the top is truly beautiful, and having actually seen one of your works, I know that it will be even better in Real Life.

  16. Absolutely stunning I just love wind swept sails! The details are delightful, with such rich colours so full of intricacies. I love the hint of Scottish tartan in there too! We love tartan in this house. Years ago I bought a few big bolts of red, green and a blue wrapping paper that lasted years! Your photos are stunning and very timeless... that may be the appeal of your art's classic in a modern way. Timeless beauty! So happy to hear the exhibit is you can't wait to get started on more new pieces!!

    Hugs Giggles

  17. This is really fun to read and see your inspiration and uniquely artistic interpretation! Wonderful!

  18. Isle of Skye. And then add Elgol and Rum. Just the names conjure magic and enchantment. I can see how your islands inspire you. The magical is definitely carried over to your art work. So beautiful.

  19. The colours in your new work are delightful. Really love this piece! The gallery is right in keeping your exhibition open for a while longer. And you live in such a beautiful part of the world.... No wonder you find inspiration everywhere!


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