
Friday 20 April 2018

More mosaics

Well yet again I am feeling sorry for my sadly neglected Blog.
Well no excuses, so instead I will show a little of what I have been up to over the winter, which was incredibly cold. Some days snow prevented me from leaving the house so many snowy days were spent in my studio. I discovered the joys of painting in gloves, hat and layers of fleece clothing!
 I started developing my mosaics over the winter months using vintage china and paperclay. This little chaps were made for Skyeworks Gallery Fish Exhibition. 'fish for tea' I love making them and have been working on a series of characters.

Over the winter I spent a lot of time feeding the birds around my house which gave me so much joy and inspiration. Now the little friends from my garden have crept into my mosaics too. Now my main problem is sourcing large quantities of old damaged china as I really don't like breaking up perfectly good things even if they are from junk shops!

Of course I am still tearing paper and working on large collage paintings and I will post some soon.

much love
Morag x


  1. Oh I do love it when you blog! Gives me the opportunity to enlarge your work on my computer to see all the yummy little details! Instagram is not as indulgent to that flavour! I love these absolutely adorable little characters in your work. I have always loved mosaic work and this is gorgeous!! Thanks for poking in and sharing these lovely bits with us!! Keep asking around about china...I'm sure friends will keep it for you if they know!

    Peace Giggles

  2. I love kitties. You did a great job with them.

  3. Hello Morag!! Good to see you again. Staying in because of the cold winter sure does have its advantages in that it allows so much more time for creativity. I love how you are repurposing the china into art incorporating nature's inspiration! Happy PPF!

  4. I can't imagine painting in gloves and braving the cold, it didn't affect your paints? You are amazing and dedicated to have done so!

  5. nice to "see" you again! Great mosaics! I love the combination of china with clay. Maybe you could go to the recycling-tip, where you bring your glass rubbish. There's usually some old china there that people brought in (at least there is here in Belgium ....)

  6. Morag, I have really missed you and wondered where you had gone. I can't imagine doing art with gloves on. I'm so glad you explained that your mosaic works are done with vintage, but damaged, china. (I have an in-law relative who enjoys hammering up perfectly good fine porcelain she gets from a charity store, to my chagrin). Your bird art is beautiful.

  7. I love these little mosaics so much!!

  8. Oh my goodness! I LOVE these. They fill my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give. <3

  9. Gorgeous cat, wonderful lovely to see you back!

  10. Love seeing the nature in your work. Blessings, Janet

  11. It's so lovely to catch up with what you've been doing over the winter months. I too have been absent from blogland, and for far longer than I realised but I'm enjoying visiting 'old blog friends' again. I do love what you are doing with your mosaics and the little cats and birds are adorable. Perhaps your local charity shops might put broken stuff to one side for you - they must get china donated that isn't fit to sell.

  12. I too have been bad with blogland, but came across this old post of yours and your adorable cat piece, love it. I hope you have had a wonderful Summer, I think it has been hot even in your parts, you would have enjoyed for sure.


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