
Tuesday 18 February 2014

29 faces 18

A personal Challenge thrown into today's face.

I rarely work in monotone, and I really don't like having a white page to work on. I think I find the white rather  frightening and I usually spend a lot  of time on the backgrounds of my pieces, but today's subject suited the monotone look, so I put my colours away and worked only in black and sepia ink.

This little fellow sits on my mantlepiece and is very special to me.
He belonged to my grandmother, or 'Nana' as I called her.
As a child I remember looking into his wise eyes and wondering what he was thinking. I think he is made of some type of earthenware and is probably very old. However all that matters to me is that he is special.

It is strange that we can feel such a strong connection to little objects. Objects that years later still evoke such strong memories.
Do you have your own' little owl' which you too treasure?

linking to the 29 faces


  1. You are right, this owl did lend itself to a monotone very well. Hmmm, I have quite a collection of little things that evoke memories. The craziest thing that I have belonged to my husband's Nana. She was a very unique lady, and at 80 still dressed up for Halloween as a clown, and handed our candy at her senior home. I still have her clown rainbow wig. It is a good reminder that you are never to old to _______ ... (fill in the blank)

    I love antiques and have many special things that have many memories that get conjured up when I look at them.

  2. your little owl is so sweet, what a beautiful sentimental piece to have perched on your mantelpiece. I love the picture of your owl too, such a alot of detail in it and I'm wondering how long it took you to draw?

    1. Thanks Swirls, i'm not sure exactly how long , about an hour I think.

  3. I love the softness od the painting, which gives the feeling of the soft feathers of the owl. The monochrome works so well, and it would be good to see more of this style. Your initial drawing is lovely. You now have two mementos to remind you of your Nana and your continuing love for her. Perhaps you could frame your owl and put him near the ceramic version.
    Yes, I have two battered tablespoons and large forks to match, which my mum gave me when I married. We always used to use them when we baked together, my love of baking cakes and pastry developed from her. The are very precious to me and I use them all the time, especially when I bake, and think of her and what a brave wonderful person she was.

  4. Love the owl, you did a great job there. I have a wooden music box that belonged to my Nan, I treasure it.

  5. Lovely little owl.
    It looks as if it jumps right out of the paper.

  6. I love your little owl drawing. There are some things that transcend the mere materials with which they are made.

  7. Morag he is a very special owl and I love your tribute to him, beautiful work! I too love owls and your statue does have such a captivating stare, a striking piece indeed!

  8. He is so cute ,love the pencil detail.
    I did comment earlier but I'm unsure if it sent.Sorry if I'm repeating myself.

  9. Yes! My grandmother loved owls and so they are an important figure in our family. She has now passed, but owls always remind me of her. Yours is just gorgeous - I love the limited color palette and the pencil work. Bravo, xoxo

  10. oh, that is such a cute little owl , I can understand you treasure it.... I love how you did the background around your painting.

  11. your drawing is so charming. i love having things that have meaning in them! In fact that is all i like having in my home.


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