
Wednesday 19 February 2014

29 faces 19

Today on my workbench another tiny face,

This one is very small, her face is around the size of my little fingernail, but it is a face so she joins my 29 face collection!

I made the mermaid out of airdrying clay a few weeks ago. I painted her in acrylics and stuck her to a plain wooden box which I had painted  cerulean blue.

I put more modelling paste on the box lid and sides, scratching through. The little mirror was bought in a set
from a craftstore

The pack contains several shapes so I have lots left for future projects.

Her hair was made with ranger liquid pearls

Linking to 29 faces
and WOYWW ( what's on your workdesk Wednesday)


  1. What a fun project . A lovely little box . will it be filled with jewels i wonder.
    Happy woyww Jill #39

  2. Cerulean, what a great word. It's my all time favourite colour too so I love your work again this week. Swim, little mermaid, swim....... :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 44 xx

  3. Your skill with miniatures is amazing, she has such a detailed and sweet face, and it all makes a marvellous sea-treasure box.

  4. Beautiful work, Love all of your 'faces' just great. Happy WOYWW
    lOVE Karen #47 xxx

  5. Love all the texture in your project.

    The bears @#73

  6. Love all the texture on your project. Just beautiful. #1

  7. I've got two hats on today, Morag . Visiting for both WOYWW and 29 Faces. I love seeing what you do with your mearmaids. Another great project.

  8. Wow, what a stunning little box - it's a lovely summery project in our bleak winter weather!

  9. this is so sweet, lovely colours and textures x

  10. I love backgrounds and texture, your creation has beautiful texture, and I live the blues.
    Nelle 71 xx


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