Thursday, 7 January 2016

Highland Mist and a happy new year

Highland Mist

 Happy New Year!
Thought I would share my first piece of 2016, although I actually finished it over the holidays as it was a Christmas present for my daughter. She had seen my previous First snow stag collage and wanted one of her own. She is moving into a new flat in Aberdeen soon and deciding on colour schemes. She settled on greys and yellows so wanted something that would fit.
 Iv'e never produced a commission to fit with a colour  scheme so that in itself was a bit of a challenge!

She seems to like it and when renovation work finishes in the flat it will be hung in the living room.

It is made from hundreds of pieces of torn paper, mixed with a bit of acrylic paint, gesso, silver flakes and love. ;)
I spent Hogmanay  ( new years eve) In the Scottish borders, It has been ridiculously wet in the northern part of the UK for weeks now and flooding is a real problem.

Teviot river 1/1/2016

The river Teviot on New years day was still swollen.

Although this photo shows where it had reached earlier in December... right up to the track by the riverside and over the hedge into the fields!

Scott's view St Boswells 1/1/2016

The weather on New years day was cold and murky, the panorama from Scott's view was rather gloomy, you can see in the foreground yellow gorse in bloom! It is January! What is going on!?

Near the viewpoint there is a woodland walk to the William wallace statue...It is not the most accurate representation of William Wallace I have ever seen, I think it makes him look rather like a Roman centurion! Perhaps like mine your idea of William Wallace is more Mel Gibson ( Braveheart) than Roman soldier!

A large funeral type urn partners the statue inscribed with the  words

The peerless Knight of Ellerslie 
Who wav'd on Ayr's Romantic shore
The beamy torch of Liberty
And roaming round from Sea to Sea
From Glade obscure of gloomy Rock
His bold companions call'd to free
The Realm from Edward's Iron Yoke

Very rousing, although the weather was a little cold and damp to feel too roused... decided to hurry back to the fireside before frostbite took hold.


  1. Oh Morag this is stunning. Your daughter must be over the moon. Happy New Year.

  2. Wonderful piece of art, and one can really see how detailed it is in the closeups. Happy New Year to you too.

  3. Fabulous painting---wow... and the photos are super!

  4. The is a magnificent piece Morag! Makes me even more excited about what treasures your May exhibition at Skyeworks will bring.

    1. Thank you Marion! I am really looking forward to it! Hard at I know you must be too for your exhibition.

    2. What a very lucky daughter! Your stag is just awesomely handsome,and I just love your technique so much. Lots of gorgeous texture and colour too. Happy New Year Morag.

  5. Happy New year dear lady! Wow what stunning work..the fog is amazing! The details are gorgeous and I imagine took quite sometime to complete! She will be very proud to tell visitors who created such a stunning piece! So full of love...I clicked to enlarge it but I will be back with my even larger screen to enjoy even more detail! Thanks for sharing!!Love it!!

    Hugs Giggle s

  6. Oh Morag, I love this!! It is so mystical and ethereal and simply stunning - I'm sure your daughter more than 'seemed to like it'!! Funny as you were saying it was the first time you were commissioned to a colour scheme I was thinking that the only time I had a colour scheme was when I was commissioned to paint the Eildons from Scott's view - then I scroll down and see that very view!!
    The weather has just been so dank and awful hasn't it - I think we're very lucky up here that there is so much farmland all around us and we haven't had any flooding although the rivers are seriously swollen.
    Anyway, I think this piece is absolutely fantastic - what a wonderful start to the painting year!

  7. gorgeous work of art!! I also love the photos of the country side. I do hope the nasty weather dissipates so you can enjoy some sunshine and dry weather. Happy PPF!

  8. Your painting/collage is magnificent, Morag. Lucky daughter.
    Fascinating to see your photos too, you can't beat a good Scottish gloom.

  9. super painting thinking of you up there with all the floods

  10. Lucky daughter .... ! I love how you did the foreground. It looks like all different coloured pebbles. And I like how the stag disappears in the mist. Great (painting-)start of the new year :-)

  11. I like the yellow deer very well, it looks as if it is running on pure Amber! ... And wonderful landscape photos here! Ulrike

  12. Oh this is full of Scottish mystery and magic, what a fabulous present for your daughter! I love the colour running through this and the feeling of the mist and storm, I can hear the rain slashing down and feel the cold and wild weather as I look at this, an amazing piece, your art is very special, another favourite of mine!

  13. How special is that for your daughter? She's so lucky. He's magnificent and I think he'll certainly be a great talking piece in his new home.
    Stunning great start to your creative year... I can't wait to see more!

  14. Love your art style. I feel something of a Klimt vibe. I'm new around the blog world. Happy to say that I am a new follower. Dea

  15. I came back on my big so beautiful would be awesome to see it in person... stunning!! Great details and so magical!

    Hugs Giggles

  16. This is wonderful Morag, very "mistical"! I'm sure it will look amazing in its new home. I spotted some yellow gorse in bloom at Fairhaven this week when I was walking the dogs, despite the horrible weather, it has been pretty mild for the time of year.

  17. Wow! I absolutely love this piece. It is breath taking. Great photos too.

  18. The Highland Mist art is exquisite, Morag. I lack that sort of imagination but I do so admire it in you and others. Gorgeous array of colors.

  19. Your painting is gorgeous! I love it, it will be so lovely in your daughter's new place. Beautiful photos too!

  20. Oh your stag is absolutely wonderful! Love the colours and all the layers, and the stag on top surrounded by mist (I love foggy weather!). I'm sure your daughter must be overjoyed to receive such a gorgeous paintign and have it in her new flat.

  21. Your stag painting is truly beautiful - the love shows, she is a lucky girl!

  22. What an incredible piece you did for your daughter, Morag! It is stunning and I LOVE the ground of purples and blues and how they play against the colorful pops in the ground. Truly stunning. And now I know who William Wallace is thanks to you. :)

  23. Morag, This is a fantastic piece, I am sure it is more amazing in person. You have one lucky daughter.

  24. What an utterly stunning piece of work - I want to be on that walk where he emerges through the mists in the early morning - your work draws me in and makes me want to be part of it. I love the ochre shades with the greys of the sky - I imagine this will look spectacular in your daughters new place, what a lucky girl!

  25. Your Highland Mist is beautiful!! Very ethereal...I love it. Who knew torn paper could look so gorgeous.


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