
Sunday 1 September 2013

29 faces and Chagall

 Day one, 29 faces ( Well two for the price of one )

Marc and Bella, acrylic on paper ( A tribute to Chagall)

Well today is day one, and I'm starting the challenge with trepidation. Will I manage to post 29 faces? I will do my best, but life has a habit of getting in the way!

My first piece is watered down acrylic painted on heavy watercolour paper. I stencilled a little ink on first. It is inspired by my recent trip to Liverpool and the WONDERFUL Chagall exhibition at the Tate.

 My piece is based on the beautiful painting 'lovers' my favourite in the whole exhibition. Chagall painted a series of pieces of himself and his wife Bella together after they were married. The figures often merge into one, showing how much in love they were. Quite beautiful!! If you want to see the original click HERE

The Tate Gallery Liverpool docks

My daughter Briony had some fun with some of the other exhibits at the gallery!!

We had a wonderful afternoon tea at the Sapphire lounge. Instead of tea the teapots were filled with a brandy fruit punch . Very decadent for a Thursday afternoon, but I was on holiday!!

I found a great little art shop on bold street called Rennies. I love exploring new art shops!

We also found a fabulous Moroccan  restaurant called Kasbah. They served proper Moroccan tea out of little cut glass cups....

And served Baklava ( A gorgeous dessert of little pastries)

Ended the trip with a look round the cathedral..

Which was being prepared for a wedding, a very impressive wedding by the looks of it!

Anyway mini holiday over and back to work...

Linking up to the 29 faces challenge starting HERE

Also linking up to my friends at Paint party friday


  1. I love Chagall and your tribute is breathtaking! Love your adorable composition very much.
    HUgs Anja

  2. ah morag, your chagall tribute is wonderful... i think i like it even more than the orginal! i love the collaged hand...

    your holiday sounds absolutely like *my* kind of holiday! morrocan tea in glass cups - on tile tables!!


  3. Oh, I love these blue! So intesive and beautiful. I like the rhythm of lines. Wonderful painting!

  4. Beautiful work in the manner of Chagall. Love the blue in the faces.

  5. Stunning tribute! And how great was your trip?? I missed the Tate when I was there last year.

  6. I love your piece! The colors and patterns are just amazing! It reminds me of beautiful batik fabric in several places! Also, that baklava...oh baby...I would hurt somebody for a good piece of baklava right now! I can't wait to see your next piece!

  7. oh my gosh! Love love this! So much emotion! so moving. Wonderful! :D your daughter is beautiful! :D

  8. I love your piece. I adore the colours and finding it very moving.

  9. Wow ! A great tribute. I love it and I like your version even more than the original..

  10. Your tribute to Chagall is lovely! It's really captured his style which I love. How wonderful to have gone to an exhibition of his work. I went to his gallery in Nice many years ago and was shouted at my the guard to put my camera away. He was speaking in french so I didn't understand what he meant until I'd taken a few pics!
    I love Morroccan tea! :)
    Jess x x

  11. Fabulous tribute to Chagall. Your work is so sensitive and beautiful. Looks like you had a great time in Liverpool with your daughter:)

  12. Oh how beautiful! What a gorgeous piece of art you've made. I love everything about it. There's a real feel of emotion here. Lovely work :)

  13. Wow I love this, this is so great Morag! Chagall is a favorite of mine, this tribute is just fantastic! What a wonderful day you had!

  14. This is a complete bowl of awesomesauce, :) Gorgeous mood, colors, flow...

  15. What a wonderful, artful expression! And what a lovely honor to Chagall and iIt looks like you had a wonderful time visiting the exhibit, too.

  16. i missed this post yesterday. so now i see that you spent the holiday with your daughter. what a lovely time. chagal is one of my favs. i love your tribute to him and the photos. brandy instead of tea in the afternoon sounds like my cup of tea :) i just signed up for the 29 faces facebook site. i see so many more faces with one click. are you on Facebook?

  17. I envy you, a Chagall exhibition! It is so inspiring seeing original paintings. And you got his spirit very well. love that newspaper detail.

  18. You could arrange trips like the one you did! And I would join you :D
    It all sounds wonderful!
    Your Chagall tribute looks amazing, great how you collaged the glove, getting the same feel as the original.

  19. Wow, I loooove this one, the colors and the expression s are fabulous.
    xx Monique

  20. Wow, I had never seen the Chagall piece and it's so stunning. Yours is incredible how you did the hand.

  21. Try again. My tablet wouldn't let me comment the other night - but I wanted to come back and say how much I adore this. The colours, the shadowing, the pose - gorgeous. Jealous of your getting to the exhibition too. Love that your version is so different in some respects. Just lovely.

  22. you are certainly creating beautiful faces for the challenge, congratulations. i especillay like these, i guess the colors, the mood drew me in.

  23. Wow - what a wonderful day it sounds like you had! I just love your Chagall piece, I love art this is really inspired by something that touches the artist. And Brandy punch for tea - sounds like a wonderful habit to adopt!

  24. i love this piece! and thank you for sharing the delights of your day. it looks like a real artist date.

  25. Beautful work, and sounds like a great trip to Liverpool. The afternoon tea might be one that could persuade me to drink tea again! Valerie

  26. fabulous portraits - so much depth and I adore the palette and the arm in news/book print. Thanks for sharing your pictures - what a great adventure ! Happy PPF.

  27. Morag I love your version of the Lovers more than made his wife much prettier!! Speaking of pretty your daughter is gorgeous!! Looks like you had a wonderful time! Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs Giggles

  28. Wonderful portait!
    Such lovely, gorgeous blues!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  29. Beautifully done, really captured Chagall. HPPF!

  30. Fantastic trip. Love seeing your views. New art shops are always the best. I love your faces and the paper covered arm and hand. xox

  31. A really lovely piece - I love the idea of the two people merging together because they're so in love. Your daughter is very pretty and it looks like you had a great trip to Liverpool. I lived there for 2 years a long time ago but you've made it look much prettier than I remember from your photos!!

  32. Thanks for sharing your fun holiday! Your Chagall like painting is stunning!!

  33. oh how pretty is this piece!!! love it!!!

  34. I love your take on the lovers. Really beautiful. Sounds like a wonderful trip!

  35. Your work is so inspiring!
    Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

  36. I enjoyed your post - and I love Chagall!

  37. Your work is just beautiful. Love this Chagall inspired painting so much. Wonderful blue tones!

  38. So lovely the after Chagall painting. I really like it!

  39. beautiful piece for the beginning of 29 faces - looking forward to seeing the others.

  40. WOW,i loove your chagall tribute,its so amaizing,the feeling in this its very big.i love the blue sounds and paper hand.


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