Sunday, 10 November 2013

Thistle blanket


'I want it said of me by those who knew me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow'
Abraham Lincon

It may be cold and wet outside but I am using some of my Summer photographs as inspiration at the moment. This piece 'Thistle blanket' is collaged paper scraps and paint.
 I love thistles, and have spent the last few months painting and collaging  them in celebration of their tough hardy nature.
Such beautiful flowers standing proud and strong, growing in places other flowers fail to flourish. They are the embodiment of resilience and determination

I thought I would take a few WIP shots to explain my process

I begin by painting a fluid acrylic wash over the canvas.I don't always do this but with this piece I wanted a soft background to collage my paper scraps on.

The pieces are glued down with an acrylic medium. I build up the texture by adding more layers of paper, sanding down some areas with sandpaper if needed,

If you look to the side you can make up a print of the photograph I took and used as inspiration.

I use pebeo liners to add texture and outline to foliage. It was mentioned a few weeks ago that this gives a stained glass effect, I hadn't thought of this but I do love stained glass.
I used a crackle medium over the thistles and then rubbed dark violet acrylic into the cracks.

I covered the sea in bookpaper and then gessoed over the surface. I then rub off the excess with baby wipes. They are my must have product!!

Then once dry a thin wash of acrylic mixed with an iridescent medium for some shimmer.

Linking up with Collage obsessions open challenge this week.


  1. The colours and textures are breathtaking! I so much prefer your painting to the photo, so alive, I want to be there!
    Jess xx

  2. This is just beautiful! I love the vibrant colors, textures and of course the bling! Thanks for the WIP too!

  3. This is a lovely painting with the rich purple flowers. I must get back to doing more collage. My inspirations come to me faster than I can make them into reality. Also love the Corncrake painting...or "Quailzie". Love that name.

  4. The colors are singing together with a shimmer, so beautiful to see your process!

  5. I love the textures and the colours in this piece. Pebeo liners are new to me. Yet another product to add to my ever growing wish list.

  6. Gorgeous work! I love seeing the steps, too. Thank you!

  7. Oh my goodness, I love this! So beautiful, those strong colours. I love to see how you create these paintings, they're amazing ...

  8. Fabulous wonderful artwork and words to match...great job.

  9. I have to keep reminding myself your do collage, because I forget it when I see your works. They are lovely in picture but in person with the texture clearly perceivable, they must be fantastic. :)

  10. Just beautiful! Thanks for showing us your creative process too.

  11. What vibrant and beautiful color! Thank you for sharing your process of creation as well!

  12. This is gorgeous!Simply divine!

  13. How brilliant to share your creative's produced a stunning piece of art.
    The colours are so vibrant and I love that blue ;D

  14. Wow, just gorgeous. xox

  15. This is really stunning! I love thistles too and you've created an image that truly does them justice. I love the colors you created in your layers.

  16. You have a unique, individual style and your own personal methods. I'm always dumbstruck and couldn't even attempt to create anything so beautiful in that way.

  17. Absolutely wonderful! What a lot of work but what wonderful finished art. Thanks for showing how.

  18. This is gorgeous. It's really interesting to see your step by step process and I love how you build up the layers and get texture. Just one question- What are pebeo liners?

  19. Beautiful colours and texture. Happy PPF, Annette x

  20. This is Stunning work Morag. I love all the colours, layers and textures you incorporate into your work that makes it so special. Thanks for sharing your process x

  21. Oh Morag your art really talks to me, thanks so much for sharing your fabulous techniques, I feel such a closeness to your pieces, truly beautiful work my friend!

  22. How cool! What a fun process (thanks for sharing) and an awesome result. Looks absolutely wonderful! :)

  23. you have got such a beautiful and inspiring art style. Fantastic work. thank you for sharing

  24. I love the stained glass effect -- the lines remain subtle but all the shapes are emphasized. This is a wonderful piece -- love the colors and textures and depth.

  25. so beautiful! thank you so much for sharing the progression of your art.

  26. So gorgeous Morag...I enjoyed this informative post so much. Thanks for sharing the process of your gorgeous art!!

    Hugs Giggles

  27. Ohh yes keep summer alive as long as you can. LOL This is lovely. The colors are vibrant and the texture sets it off perfectly.

  28. A beautiful painting - love the bright pops of puple in it!

  29. Besutiful work, lovely colors, gorgeous view! :)
    and so fun to see the process! :)

  30. This is most incredibly gorgeous--luminous! I also really liked seeing your process.

  31. oh fab work. Wow the colours. My first time visitng here to see your work.

  32. A beautiful painting,I loove the blue flowers,very wonderful mood.


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