Sunday, 19 October 2014

A place to rest

Last week I mentioned that I had several pieces in Skyeworks  HOME TO THE HILLS charity exhibition.
well in addition to my moonlight and hares, the above piece has sold too!

moonlight and hares

The idea for the little ginger tom came from a sketch I found in an old portfolio from my art college days (many moons ago! ) It was an ink drawing of my adorable ginger tom cat named Stan.
He was the sweetest of cats. Although not the smartest of felines he was gentle and kind.

'stan' pen and ink

I used his sleeping pose as a start for my composition. Stan is rather famous now as he featured in one of my older pieces made for my mother featuring all her cats. They were of not alive at the same time but I thought it would be fun to group them together.

four very fine cats

Anyway this is how my 'Place to rest' collage began.

Using black gesso covered bits and pieces.

Intensified some areas of colour. and added more papers.

Blended and sanded the paper layers adding detail with white fine-line pen.

Used some fine line texture paint to make the foliage and crackle glaze over his face.

I thought he looked better awake than asleep.

Finally a liberal sprinkling of gold flakes which contrast beautifully with the rich reds.

linking to paint party friday


  1. I love it, Morag no wonder it sold. Congrats!

  2. Such lovely piece of art. It's so inspiring to see your process, and now I want to try bits and pieces as well. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Just Gorgeous...I love that I can enlarge them and look at the yummy details! They wonderful. Very inspiring and thanks again for the tutorial! I love that you used the only ink as a starting point. Also the one with four fine cats is a treasure...I love it and the positioning of the cats is wonderful. Good job!

    Hugs Giggles

  4. morag, you never cease to amaze me the way you combine elements. i love 'place to rest'...


  5. This is wonderful. I love the step by step process as we get to see just how many different techniques go into just one piece of art!

  6. What a fbulous piece this is!!

  7. Good on you for selling another one!! Way to go :-) Love that cat and especially the look on its face. Full of mischief ....

  8. Your reworking of Stan is so adorable. I am a cat fanatic but unfortunately I am allergic to them and am always waiting for the Japanese to invent a robotic cat you can stroke! I found the crackle effect on his face to be absolutely lovely. I must try that technique sometime. Thanks for sharing your process it is really fascinating. Happy PPF

  9. Another fabulous piece, what an adorable cat, you have such an original style, another favourite piece! I also love the piece with all the cats, my mum would love these, she loves cats!

  10. Great idea for a fundraising show and I really, really love the cat collage.

  11. I liked seeing the progress shots, but I went back up to look at that top piece twice... what a beautiful piece of work that is... but the whole blog post is one long beautiful work this week...xx

  12. Gorgeous piece, Morag. I completely fell in love with it!

  13. Thank you for sharing your method of collage and am totally loving the results. Congratulations on your sales. Happy PPF Annette x

  14. you always create such gorgeous layered and textural art-these are stunning! Congrats on another sale too:)

  15. Your kitty cat is so darling. And congratz on the sale--I must say, though--I'm not surprised. Your artwork is so unique and splendid.

  16. Who wouldn't want this charming painting? Congratulations on the sales. I love the crackle face on your kitty.

  17. I have loved many of your paintings at Skyeworks Gallery Morag, and often look at them when I'm on gallery duty. There's so much happening in each; photos just can't tell the whole story. Helping get submissions ready for the Home from the Hills exhibition I saw this and it was love at first sight. So now I've my first Morag Archer in my collection!

  18. Wonderful artwork! Your style is so unique and I love it so much!


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