Thursday, 12 March 2015

'Wee ones' and a sombre self portrait!

 Yes, I have  been busy sewing this week again!

This week lots of  'wee ones' made from paper cloth like this!

This is one I made earlier ;)

 appliquéd and sewn
 then stretched over small wooden panels.

once stretched the panels were backed neatly with felt. Ready to be hung.


The above are some close up details.

On this piece I needle felted a few orange tufty flowers.

 And finally..
 linking up to paint party friday and their special birthday party self portrait theme. As regular visitors may know I am laid up with a foot fracture and seem to have spent the whole of 2015 hibernating so my self portrait looks rather sombre. I  only wear glasses for reading and drawing, so to my annoyance had to draw myself wearing them..perhaps that added to my sombre mood. ;)

self portrait


  1. These stitched pieces are stunning! I love how you change the textures for each element of the picture, the sea is so beautiful! I've been making a landscape today and just finished, I felt in the mood for it what with the sun out. It made me feel quite summery. :)
    I hope your foot's healing nicely, it's certainly pushed you into a direction of amazing artwork! Love the portrait, come to think of it, I haven't done one since I've had to wear glasses, so commiserations! ;)
    Jess xx

  2. You have such an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your posts. All the best for your future blogging journey.

  3. If it's any consolation, I got my first pair of varifocals last week :-(. I am now officially old! So I sympathise!
    The small pictures are wonderful, I love the colours and textures..they're bound to sell out!
    Hugs, LLJ xxx

  4. Love those little panels, and the portrait is really good. Valerie

  5. Your wee ones are fantastic! Love the portrait, sorry to hear about your foot fracture. Hope it heals quickly.

  6. What gorgeous colours in your stitchwork! Love them.

  7. Wonderful panels are this! Your portrait is gorgeous!
    Happy PPF!

  8. Such amazing handicraft, you must have lots of patience sewing such tiny thing!

    I've used specs since I was's no getting old thing to me :D

  9. Morag those stitched landscapes are absolutely gorgeous - the colours are wonderful and the way you stitch and needle craft and do all that stuff that boggles my mind is just amazing! Your self portrait perhaps seems more sombre being in charcoal against all that fabulous colour but I like it - you look a little concerned but thoughtful at the same time!

  10. Your panels are so colourful Morag and I love your tufty flowers. Your self portrait is great. I too wear glasses but I left them out of my selfie. I don't like drawing glasses. Lol!

  11. Your stitched landscapes are lovely. I admire your patience. I wonder how long it takes.....or are you speedy gonzalez on the sewing machine? I just need instant gratification from art! I'm an art junkie. Love your selfie. Looks very cool, reminds me of Kate Bush

  12. Your embroidered pictures are glorious and your paper cloth itself is very beautiful. I love the wild patchwork look of the first and the one with the orange flowers, and the blue patterned skies and hills and seas are all delightful.
    Great self portrait too, very clever to draw/paint it in monochrome. I like your specs!
    Hope your foot is recovering itself well.

  13. gorgeous stitching and fabric art -wow! You created a beautiful self portrait too. Hope the healing is going well. Happy PPF!

  14. Beautiful self portrait and lovely small pieces!

  15. Your fabric art is magnificent, Morag. So beautiful. And I love your selfie.

  16. so impressed with your paper cloth pieces - love the piece with the felted tufty flowers - gives a great colour/texture pop. Nice selfie btw, makes me wonder what it would like with the addition of colour :)

  17. Stunning artwork including the selfie which I love! I wear glasses but rarely take a photo with them. For years I wore contacts. Now just wear glasses but take them off for artwork and reading... Really love how your style transcends into everything you create no matter the media you use!

    Hugs Giggles

  18. Wow, those stitched landscapes are really amazing and beautiful. Your self portrait is beautiful too so neutral against all the color. Its another side of you.

  19. Your stitch work is fascinating and beautiful! Great portrait - nothing wrong with being somber... that's when we ponder and great thoughts are born:-)

  20. Morag your mini pieces are so intricate and filled with rich colour and beauty, wonderful work! I love your portrait,it has character, you did an excellent job!

  21. great self-portrait!! happy PPF

  22. The little photos do not do your work justice. When I enlarged them....WOW! The textures and colours came many layers, and details. I wanted to touch each and very one of the pieces!

    You might feel your self-portrait is somber, but you did a fine job. I am starting to where reading glasses to, ugh. I have never worn glasses, EVER, so I know what you are experiencing. I hope you are healing well!

  23. Your wee ones are beautiful - I love the colour palette and the textures are amazing. Your self portrait is so delicately drawn and I love the look of concentration you've captured - beautiful. I hope your foot is healing well and thank you for your visit and good wishes earlier.
    Diana x

  24. Beautiful and inspiring work, Morag.

  25. I just love these works of yours! Fibers and stitching can express so much so artfully ~ and YOU have an inspired knack!


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