Monday, 20 April 2015

April red

What's your favourite colour?
When asked I used to always reply 'red' although now it depends on my mood, sometimes it could be emerald green, another cerulean blue. I know from how quickly I get through the crimson paint it is certainly a colour I paint with constantly. I also use loads of red papers. Japanese  paper is beautifully intense.

My canvas may shout 'Summer', but Spring too has some beautiful reds.

 My canvas began around six weeks ago and it has been slow progress, I was still suffering with my broken foot and found it difficult to stick at painting, prefering to use my sewing machine, However my canvas kept grumbling on the easel everytime I walked past.

It began like this..... lots of paper pieces and gesso. Very slowly I began adding paint.

Then a couple of little houses turned up.

Some celandines joined the foreground.

Some textured grasses and moulding paste.

two cottages became one and the poppies covered the foreground.
I need a title..
It hasn't come to me yet, if you have any thoughts drop me a comment..  ;)

finally finished, a combination of paper, acrylic paint, gold flakes and moulding paste on canvas.

linking up to paint party friday


  1. It is so vibrant and so textured Morag. I love how you just paint and let things show up. I hope you are much better now!

  2. It's wonderful to see the process of how you build up the layers. I can imagine how luscious all those layers of collage and paint look in real life and I love the addition of the gold in the foreground.

  3. love those poppies, great use of your papers to make these. I get a sense of the wind blowing a gentle breeze giving movement to the grasses x

  4. Beautiful work Morag! Your top image took a long time to reveal itself on my computer screen, slowly unfolding from the top downwards. My eyes greedily feasted on the jewel like colours as they appeared and when the picture was complete, there were the stunning poppies at the bottom! Fantastic!
    Jess xx

  5. Morag you took us on another fabulous journey here, each time my eyes revelling in the colours, textures, beauty of it all. It begins like a stained glass window effect and then just evolves, rather like a caterpillar turing into a beautiful butterfly into an outstanding explosion of wilderness, I can feel myself standing amongst all these wild flowers and grasses with the wind blowing. A piece of art that really draws me in, the colours dazzling, wonderful!

  6. Impresionante color rojo de las flores, ¡yo lo adoro!
    Miles de abrazos para ti :)

  7. I love poppies, they have to be one of my favourite summer flowers, and you have showcased them spectacularly here! I love the rich, jewel like colours and the wonderful textures - I also adore the vivid blue coming out from behind the poppies. Wow, it's jaw-droppingly beautiful!

  8. I love seeing your process, and those poppies are so wonderfully textured, there's no other way to say it, they just pop! Really beautiful.

  9. Remarkably beautiful, the process you shared really aroused my curiosity in each step.

  10. This is beautiful. I love seeing it come together and all the layers it goes through. Isn't it funny how there's always one particular colour we use more than others. For me it would be turquoise!

  11. Red is a colour we all love in this house too!! I would find it difficult to say which is my favourite colour, much like you it's different depending on my mood too! Jewel tones have me all the time though!! This is a stunning the poppies blowing in the wind...there is so much movement in your stunning works. Watching your process is really amazing... I loved the first stained glass piece and then you just build and build on it!! Rarely is anything I do look anything like it first started either!! Your process is terrific with all the texture and colour...Love it so much!! Thanks for sharing each stage... It's very inspirational!!

    Hugs Giggles

  12. I am always fascinated by the way you start your paintings. Can't for the life of me figure out how on earth you do this. Would love to see you in action! The only suitable title I can come up with for this beautiful painting is "happiness". It makes me happy to look at ....

  13. It's always enjoyable to see how you build your paintings, love the addition of the celandines at the end, so my suggestion for a title is "Celandine Cottage" (or "Poppy Cottage"). In the end it looks like a very fine painting - which of course it is.

  14. be still my heart- the red poppies are my very favorite flower-and my favorite color has always been-yep-red! This is just outstanding and when I get a bigger image so very impressive with all the details of the layers. My first thought for a title was "Field of Dreams".

  15. Absolutely gorgeous, Morag, especially enlarged.

  16. I love those red poppies and the gentle breeze that seems to be coming from your piece. Love it. Great work.

  17. I loved seeing the process. Turquoise is my fave color. Thanks for the visit. Blessings, Janet PPF

  18. Wonderful little scene! Some title ideas:
    April Poppies
    A Dreaming Meadow
    Red Field in Spring

  19. This is immensely gorgeous! Love the way it's many layers and progressing!

  20. I have always answered "red", too, but the last few years there is this turquoise-y aqua-y blue that I am really drawn to...

  21. Your work is so beautiful!!!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  22. wow, your painting changed so much. it is a bit like a person, full of experiences and layers and layers of who they are. it is beautiful.

  23. Yay Morag, I always love visiting your realm..your art enriches my soul! Wow..this is so gorgeous...and to see your intricate process..the amount of work, energy and soulfulness you pour into each piece ..exquisite beauty!
    My colors change my shape-shifting spirit..I fall in love with different ones at different times on my journey!

  24. Hello Morag, what an interesting collage, I have never tried anything like this but love the texture and colour you have made here. My favourite colour is red at the moment but I change my mind sometimes. I think the canvas speaks for itself but I guess as you have such rich, jewel like colour, 'garden of jewels' comes to my mind. Thanks for your comment on my bluebells, they smell wonderful in the woods, we are so lucky to have wildflowers like this when they are becoming scarce in some places. Betty

  25. Ohhhh these colors and textures. Mind boggling. Would love to try something like this. Just do not know anything about this. Probably some day would get a chance to see you work. Will add this to my wish list!!


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